The Yes Optical in Tanah Rata and Optik Cameron in Brinchang are among the places you can go if you are looking for such services. Prices here are very affordable where you can pick and choose the type of eyewear you need. These outlets provide basic eye check-ups to determine what type of lens you will need. From there, you can then decide on the design and other features of the eyewear of your choice.
Shades & Optical services in Cameron
Besides that, you can buy sunglasses which are available in different range of prices and brands. Apart from spectacles and eyewear, the optical shops here provide contact lens and other accompany products as well. In Tanah Rata, there is an outlet known as Highlands Optical. Located in a corner lot of a row of shops, it has a wide selection of designer frames and brands where you can pick and choose from and good optical services too.